Playground App
A 4 week sprint to develop a kids activity discovery and booking app in Barcelona.
My Role: Product Vision & UI/UX Design | App illustrations & Animations | Case Study | Research, Customer Interviews and Testing | Documenting Patterns
Background: 4 Week Sprint | Personal Project | Barcelona Code School
Tools: Figma / Figjam / Notion / Miro / Illustrator
PROBLEM STATEMENT The Challenge: Many expat parents living in Barcelona don't know where to look or how to find quality, fun and development boosting activities and things to do for their kids in the city. Once found, booking is an additional pain-point, typically characterised by a confusing, time-consuming and frustrating process. The Outcome: An app where you can discover all the things to do in Barcelona for kids in one place, filter by key criteria (location, age, price, language, activity type, reviews, date and time), and then book them quickly and easily. |
MVP Activity Found: Drawing on all learnings in the discovery phase, the MVP would be a mobile app that enables users to discover relevant activities or events to do with their kids in and around Barcelona. There will be an advanced filter function for users to search by age, activity type, location, price, language, date and time so they can find relevant activities that match their needs. From these results, users will be able to learn more about a specific activity, favourite activities for later and select an activity to book. Booking Enquiry Sent: The MVP will not provide direct booking since this has been identified as a secondary pain-point rather than a primary customer need. Instead, users will be able to send a booking enquiry in the app to the activity provider alongside having their direct contact information. |
Heuristic Analysis
Design Solution 1 - Clearer Action for Tinder Swipe
Stacking card visuals, cards coloured to individual activity and clearer swiping instructions.
Design Solution 2 - Map View is Clearer
Clearer icons at navigation bar for quick access. Clearer signifiers of map vs list. Removal of the search bar. Decluttering of filter system to create cleaner, easy to navigate interface.
Design Solution 3 - See Everything Faster
Clearer icons at navigation bar for quick access, Clearer copy home page is curated and the latest. Prompt for first time user for where to go to see everything quickly.
Design Solution 4 - Onboarding Date Tweak
Calendar date selector replaced the old design which users said felt more like a bank code and not consistent with the rest of the visual design.
Design Solution 5 - See Reviews
Clearer reviews from the start of the Activity Providers´ profile to read and explore.
This project was a flawed success: Feasibility: Acquiring consistent feedback from a software engineer I ensured the designs were able to be implemented to the engineer's parameters. Removal of elements like the search bar were also considered from an efficiency development perspective. Desirability: Users gave consistent positive feedback surrounding the UI, playful aesthetic and engaging elements. Viability: Clear user feedback highlighted the importance of an easy and fast user experience. Future testing topics include testing the removal of the search bar to see if users miss it and testing specifically around the design style and colour palette to ensure that the current ¨fem¨ aesthetic isn't too limiting in attracting a broad audience. |